You'll receive a complete year of information, tips, ideas, devotional and activity pages to share with your homebound or shut in members to let them know they are loved and remembered by their church family. HomeTouch is also a perfect resource to create care packages to use in your church's nursing homes or hospitals ministries.
The Quarterly Newsletter (shown below) is specifically created for the pastor or any senior adult or homebound leader to provide ideas your church can implement to keep your homebound members connected with church life. It includes material about the homebound and homebound ministry you can use in your church newsletter to help engage all members of your church to help serve segment of your congregation.
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the file.
The devotional page (shown below) includes a thought for the week, a prayer and a short, inspirational message. It includes room for a personal message or signature to your homebound members from the pastor or minister. The Devotional page is large type so it's easy to read.
The Bible-based activity page (shown below) is a great way for shut-ins or senior adults to stay active and engaged since they have so much time on their hands. Each activity is based on the Bible or church life. It is also in large type for easy readability.
Begin your HomeTouch membership today and invest in specialized outreach ideas tailored for your homebound ministry.
Subscription plans start at just $4.95/month for electronic only access or $12.95/quarter plus shipping for paper delivery—regardless of how many HomeTouch packets you distribute. Make HomeTouch a trusted resource for your outreach ministry.